Friday, July 1, 2011

Chance of a Lifetime

Ever since I started college I told God I was content with remaining single the rest of my life.  I had a female professor who was so much in love with God that it was somewhat of an inspiration to me to live my life similar to how she lived hers.  I had a good core group of girls from my Bible study who were all okay with being single which continued to solidify my contentedness. 
Of course, God's opinion is much better than my own and He must have been laughing when I first told Him I was willing to be single the rest of my life because my freshman year a random guy came up to me, noticed where I was from by my high school letterman jacket, and introduced himself.  It so happens that we ended up hanging out a lot the next year and eventually started dating.  Yes, God does have a sense of humor, and yes, He certainly does know what is best for us. 
I can now say that we are extremely blessed to have been married for just short of two months now.  It has been the experience of a lifetime.  There's no other happiness than sharing life everyday with your best friend.  God continues to bring us closer together and to Him while allowing us to experience married life with all its joys and harder times.  I'm so thankful Dustin had the courage to ask me to marry him, I couldn't ask for a better husband; he has always been my best friend since we've known each other.  It truly is a chance of a lifetime to be his partner for the rest of our lives.  God, thank you so much for Dustin and our marriage!

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