Saturday, June 25, 2011

Biblical Clarity

June 25, 2011
Yup, it's been a while, blog.  Since I'm back, with the gentle bidding from my husband, I'm going to focus on some thoughts I've been dealing with for a while and be somewhat candid in my approach, so bear with me.  My parents got a divorce last August and since then my father has been seeing another lady whom he knew from high school.  Anyway, they got married yesterday....I didn't attend.  I really had some struggles regarding whether or not I should have gone.  I took some time to think and pray and talk to Dustin about it.  It came down to what the Bible said about such relationships and divorce.  On one hand, I did want to honor my father's request to attend but on the other hand my conscience was really bugging me about the "rightness" of it all.  I do not want to offend or anger my father in sticking with what I felt was right, but I couldn't bring myself to publicly support the situation.
I'm still learning how to deal with the whole reality of divorce and my father's remarriage.  I don't know how to react to it at times.  Maybe that's why I'm especially thankful for the clarity of Scripture in times like these.  Thank you, Lord, for the purity and clarity of Your word.  May I continue to pursue Your truth and may it continue to be a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.  

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