Monday, June 6, 2011

Dinners Together

Married life is amazing so far!  God has certainly been good to Dustin and I, even through financial issues.  We have a roof over our head, a bed, plenty of food, transportation, jobs, and each other.  It makes me sad to see couples who have been married for years who can't stand to talk to each other when ordering food or simply carrying on a conversation.  It makes me all the more thankful for the fun and love we share as newly-weds, something that I pray and hope doesn't diminish as the years pass.  It also makes me thankful for the meals we get to share together.  Dustin is already a pretty good cook and we get to share in the fun of preparing our meals.  I know we are definitely not going hungry anytime soon with the way he cooks. 
Several people have told me that the fun won't last after five years.  I wish I had the guts to ask them "why not?"  Why shouldn't the fun last after the first five years of marriage?  Why did you fall in love in the first place?  What was that special something that made you fall head over heels for the man beside you?  Why not work at keeping the fun coming and that precious love alive?  It's discouraging to hear such remarks, especially after having been married for only three weeks.  But then, I remember the sweet older couples with whom Dustin and I learned.  One particular couple who were our pre-marriage mentors are still so in love with each other; it's evident in the way they treat each other, look at each other, and put each other before themselves.  What a testimony!  I hope and pray, and am willing to work for, that our marriage remains strong; even though we may get on each other's nerves, even if we have stupid little arguments, even if times get tough, even after we have kids, may we never forget the reason why we fell in love in the first place.  God, bless those who are married and are going through a rough patch in their marriage.  I ask that You grant them strength, wisdom, and the selflessness needed to get through.  God, I also pray that You continue to strengthen our own marriage, to learn from our mistakes, and to always keep You and each other ahead of ourselves. 

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