Sunday, May 29, 2011


*I'm giving up on counting how many days I'm on because I want this blog to be more than just another self-appointed assignment.  I want it to be enjoyable to myself and to however reads it and I think by simply writing about different days, not the number of that day, will help me stay focused on the true reason for this blog. 
I've joked that I would have to get married just to have a day off.  Well, it's true!  Dustin and I went to Kentucky for our honeymoon and it was the most relaxing time I've had in a few years I think.  Even the drive down was a chance to enjoy the changing scenery as the farther south we went; the rolling hills and green fields were everywhere.  When we got to our destination, the first thing I noticed was there were two horses standing out in a pasture next to a huge, colonial style home that belonged to our innkeeper.  Dustin told me the horses were one of the things that stood out to him when he was choosing lodging options.  So, right off the bat, he blew me away with keeping my love for horses in mind when planning the honeymoon. 
Our first visit while we were down there was the Mammoth Caves.  We've been to a few of Ohio's caves but nothing compares with the immense size of the caves down in Kentucky!  We took a two-hour tour, with a group of six-graders, through part of the Caves and were continuously blown away by the sheer volume of each room.  It definitely was quite the experience. 
The next day he took me to the Corvette Factory in Bowling Green, KY.  Who knew that a car factory would be so interesting?  We learned so much about what makes a Corvette a Corvette and all the special details that go into making it the modern classic sportscar that it is today.  And for being a factory, the employees really seemed to enjoy their job which made the experience more enjoyable than someplace where the employees acted like they would love to be anywhere but there.  Dustin did another amazing job on planning that visit.  We also had the opportunity to meet Art, a guy who owns a car shop that buys and sells classic cars from the 50's to today's models.  He allowed us a free self-guided tour of his shop as well as giving us a souvenir magnet free of charge!  We got to chat with him about our honeymoon and a little bit about our faith and it did seem like he had an idea of the Christian faith so that was very encouraging.
Dustin is a huge fan of trains and model railroading so our next stop was the L&N Railpark Museum, home to one of the original trains that used to run on the line from Louisville to Nashville primarily.  Dustin could tell you much more about it than I, but it was very interesting and it is part of America's history and was a great influence in the growth in some of the southern states.  Our guide took us through the train cars, explaining their importance and some history behind each car.  One car, the mail car, had to go through extensive renovation before it was even rail-worthy.  The engine itself had just been redone in 2009 and looked like it did in its prime.  The museum itself gave more background on the line's history and how certain events tied into the United States' history.  I have a better understanding of why Dustin enjoys trains so much, I think.
Our last main event was an upscale dinner out.  The location was called 440 Main, a Bayou-style venue with a laid-back atmosphere.  Dustin has some good taste!  They even gave us a complimentary champagne toast because we were on our honeymoon. 
I'm so thankful for my husband and his amazing planning abilities to book our honeymoon.  It was certainly a time to remember, of hanging out with my best friend doing everything together, and kicking off married life on a good note.  God, thank you so much for Dustin and for a great honeymoon.  I will cherish those memories.

Graduation and Wedding Preparation

Time to catch up with my life from the past four weeks.  May 9th through the 14th were possibly the busiest two weeks of my life!  Getting ready for graduation, visiting with friends one last time, and then finishing wedding details consumed my life for a while.  In getting ready for graduation, it never hit me that I would never see some of my friends ever again until after the fact.  On the day of graduation, my friends and I went around taking pictures with each other and enjoyed those last few moments together.  It really was just a blur of a day, but I do remember hearing my music major friends being called to walk across the stage and I do remember feeling so proud of all of us for completing such rigorous degrees.  After the ceremony, my family and then-fiance went out for lunch.  It was kind of stressful having all the attention being on me and questions being asked all at the same time.  I was very much ready to be done with the gifts and the small talk but I was thankful to spend some time with my family and friends before focusing solely on the wedding. 
The week before the wedding was full of planning, hanging out with bridesmaids, and making sure all the last minute decorations were where they needed to be.  The rehearsal went smoothly and we all enjoyed a nice meal afterwards.  That night, all the bridesmaids and I slept the night in my grandpa's RV.  I'm so thankful for those girls and their friendship.  The day of the wedding was beautiful!  Everything went smoothly, the ceremony and reception were beautiful, and everyone seemed to be happy and enjoying themselves.  The only hitch was when my husband's brother, the best man, got too hot in his suit and fainted right beside us while we were starting our vows.  He made a recovery and everything continued as it should.  I'm glad he was ok and that he was able to complete the ceremony.  God is certainly blessed us with a wonderful circle of friends and family who are willing to share that special day with us.  Now Dustin and I are happily married and are beginning our life together.  Thank you, Lord, for these past two weeks.  They have been both a joy and a challenge but I am thankful for every moment of the last two weeks of my single life. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Trial runs

Day 103
I met with my Aunt today to talk about the wedding menu then I got to visit an old friend to do a trial run for my wedding up-do.  It turned out beautifully!  And it was a versatile enough style that my veil could be worn in the back or on top of my head.  I'm pretty excited to have her do my hair on the big day.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were able to have a trial run for everything in life?  Think about it for a moment.  Make a pros and cons list of having the ability and time to have a trial run before actually doing something.  We could really make a difference in our overall performance at work or at school if we could have a practice shot at our assignment before actually "doing it for real".  But on the flipside, how much time would be spent just practicing and running trials?  How authentic would our final outcome be if we presented only the "real" deal instead of our first attempt?  Something interesting to think about. 
As a musician, I have the opportunity to practice to my heart's content.  But what if whenever I went in for a lesson, I was performing my first attempt?  That wouldn't make for a very productive session in the long run.  I think practice and trial runs are appropriate for some things, but not for all.  God, thank you for the opportunities available to practice and perfect our performances.  But I also thank you for the humbling moments whenever we present our first attempts as our final outcomes. 

Easter Sunday

Day 102
Coloring eggs, decorating Easter baskets, eating chocolate and marshmallow peeps.  It makes for a wonderful break from reality and the daily routine, but it's also easy to forget the true meaning of Easter, why we celebrate it in the first place.  We hear many sermons and lectures on keeping the real meaning of Easter in the front of our minds this time of year, but do we really pay that close attention to the message?  I found myself getting caught up in the festivities and only now am I reflecting on how poorly I remembered Easter's purpose. 
Christ's rising from the grave is the significance of Easter and the pivotal point in a Christian's life when he accepts Christ as his savior.  We build the foundation of our faith on His resurrection.  What a shame it is that we place this concept in the back of our minds when the thoughts of getting together with family and coloring eggs come to the forefront.  I am challenged, and I challenge you, to keep Christ at the front of my mind during Easter, and keeping Him in remembrance every other day of the year.


Day 101
Keriann's 20th birthday was today and to help celebrate, we went with our dad to Hoggy's restaurant.  Her friend joined her for the weekend for Easter break and we really had a blast!  I haven't laughed so hard in a long time and to laugh with my siblings and new friend, it made it all the more fun.  We went to Dad's house afterward and had some fancy birthday cake from a really good bakery.  There, we watched Shrek and laughed some more. 
Through all this stress this semester, I am very thankful for these rare moments for ultimate silliness and the makings for inside jokes that only friends will share for silly moments to come.  I will cherish these moments and look forward to the next time to break loose from life and just be silly.  Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful gift of humor and laughter.