Monday, May 2, 2011

Trial runs

Day 103
I met with my Aunt today to talk about the wedding menu then I got to visit an old friend to do a trial run for my wedding up-do.  It turned out beautifully!  And it was a versatile enough style that my veil could be worn in the back or on top of my head.  I'm pretty excited to have her do my hair on the big day.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were able to have a trial run for everything in life?  Think about it for a moment.  Make a pros and cons list of having the ability and time to have a trial run before actually doing something.  We could really make a difference in our overall performance at work or at school if we could have a practice shot at our assignment before actually "doing it for real".  But on the flipside, how much time would be spent just practicing and running trials?  How authentic would our final outcome be if we presented only the "real" deal instead of our first attempt?  Something interesting to think about. 
As a musician, I have the opportunity to practice to my heart's content.  But what if whenever I went in for a lesson, I was performing my first attempt?  That wouldn't make for a very productive session in the long run.  I think practice and trial runs are appropriate for some things, but not for all.  God, thank you for the opportunities available to practice and perfect our performances.  But I also thank you for the humbling moments whenever we present our first attempts as our final outcomes. 

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