Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter Sunday

Day 102
Coloring eggs, decorating Easter baskets, eating chocolate and marshmallow peeps.  It makes for a wonderful break from reality and the daily routine, but it's also easy to forget the true meaning of Easter, why we celebrate it in the first place.  We hear many sermons and lectures on keeping the real meaning of Easter in the front of our minds this time of year, but do we really pay that close attention to the message?  I found myself getting caught up in the festivities and only now am I reflecting on how poorly I remembered Easter's purpose. 
Christ's rising from the grave is the significance of Easter and the pivotal point in a Christian's life when he accepts Christ as his savior.  We build the foundation of our faith on His resurrection.  What a shame it is that we place this concept in the back of our minds when the thoughts of getting together with family and coloring eggs come to the forefront.  I am challenged, and I challenge you, to keep Christ at the front of my mind during Easter, and keeping Him in remembrance every other day of the year.

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