Sunday, May 29, 2011

Graduation and Wedding Preparation

Time to catch up with my life from the past four weeks.  May 9th through the 14th were possibly the busiest two weeks of my life!  Getting ready for graduation, visiting with friends one last time, and then finishing wedding details consumed my life for a while.  In getting ready for graduation, it never hit me that I would never see some of my friends ever again until after the fact.  On the day of graduation, my friends and I went around taking pictures with each other and enjoyed those last few moments together.  It really was just a blur of a day, but I do remember hearing my music major friends being called to walk across the stage and I do remember feeling so proud of all of us for completing such rigorous degrees.  After the ceremony, my family and then-fiance went out for lunch.  It was kind of stressful having all the attention being on me and questions being asked all at the same time.  I was very much ready to be done with the gifts and the small talk but I was thankful to spend some time with my family and friends before focusing solely on the wedding. 
The week before the wedding was full of planning, hanging out with bridesmaids, and making sure all the last minute decorations were where they needed to be.  The rehearsal went smoothly and we all enjoyed a nice meal afterwards.  That night, all the bridesmaids and I slept the night in my grandpa's RV.  I'm so thankful for those girls and their friendship.  The day of the wedding was beautiful!  Everything went smoothly, the ceremony and reception were beautiful, and everyone seemed to be happy and enjoying themselves.  The only hitch was when my husband's brother, the best man, got too hot in his suit and fainted right beside us while we were starting our vows.  He made a recovery and everything continued as it should.  I'm glad he was ok and that he was able to complete the ceremony.  God is certainly blessed us with a wonderful circle of friends and family who are willing to share that special day with us.  Now Dustin and I are happily married and are beginning our life together.  Thank you, Lord, for these past two weeks.  They have been both a joy and a challenge but I am thankful for every moment of the last two weeks of my single life. 

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