Friday, January 21, 2011

Answers to Prayer

Day 11
My fiance has been at a job where the leadership is impersonal, conditions aren't friendly, and there's no benefits for his position.  We've been praying for a new job that would be a better environment for him, but something that wouldn't interfere with our wedding and honeymoon plans.  He was willing to stick it out at the current occupation until we were married if he had to.  He doesn't have to wait it out any longer.  He was accepted at a new job across from his apartment that offered full employee benefits, better environment, and a courteous leadership that was more than willing to work around the wedding plans!  What an answer to prayer!  His hard, dedicated work and perfect attendance really helped but God made it happen.  He also has the opportunity to move up in six months while he's at the new position.  God really went above and beyond what we had considered necessary.  I can't stop thanking Him for what He's done for us today. 
It's so hard to remain positive sometimes, especially when you pray fervently and nothing seems to happen.  It's hard to not view God sometimes as a vending machine: okay God, I put in my prayer's worth today...where's the answer?  We are so much involved in being the leader of our own lives that we forget that God is really the Leader.  Yes, He has given us free will, but we also need to commit our lives to Him so that we can live according to His will and His goodness.  If you haven't heard from Him for a while, consider your prayer life.  Are you asking Him to answer a prayer on His own, how you want it answered, and are you praying with a half-hearted spirit?  Try to make your prayer genuine, like you're talking to a close friend, and ask Him to use you in the answer if that would be His will.  That's another thing.  I've been learning to pray for answers that are according to His will.  I usually find myself praying for things that I think should happen, that I think would be best.  Asking Him for an answer to be in His will helps align your plea with His desires, and in turn, gradually turns your heart and your desires to match His. 
Answers to prayer come in both yeses and noes.  I'm slowly learning to be content with both answers, because I'm trusting that the answers are His will since He knows what's best anyway.  He is good, and He wants the best for all of us, if only we could trust Him with that notion.  So, thank you, God, for answering our prayers, and help us to be content with the answer, and to trust You for what is best.

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