Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Day 9
Due to the crazy slick roads today, I wasn't able to go to student teaching nor class.  So, my roommates and I stayed home and got a lot of homework done.  It was hard to sit still with an electronic reading assignment in front of me but it was worth it in the end.  We even got some housework done.  Laundry is now caught up, the dishes are clean, and the desk is organized.  Not much of this would have been done had it been a usual busy day. 
I'm thankful for productivity because it gives a sense of accomplishment, which in turns helps produce a better attitude at being able to cross yet another item off of the to-do list.  And after all the work was done, we even had time to watch a few TV episodes together, something that doesn't happen often.  So even after being productive, we were able to enjoy some down time and just hang out.  I wish we could have these kinds of days more often.  Think of all we could accomplish!
It's also nice to be lazy once in a while to give yourself a breather and reconnect with reality.  Especially if one's devotions have been lacking or relationships have been strained.  So give yourself some reward for getting so much done.  It's good for you.  And don't forget to thank God for the conviction of the Spirit to accomplish so much today.

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