Sunday, January 23, 2011

Unconditional Love

Day 13
Learning new things and growing closer to my fiance has showed me a least one thing: unconditional love.  We both had a busy weekend already so I tried to make sure I gave him his space; play video games and watch movies.  He deserved a chill day, especially before a six-day work week.  But, being the girl I am, I kept thinking to myself "I want to text him, but I probably shouldn't.  He needs his time" or "wow, he hasn't texted me in a while, maybe I should text him.  No, I will let him be."  On and on this thought process went til I finally tried ignore my thoughts.  But research shows that for a girl to ignore her thoughts is almost impossible.  Side note: Think of a woman's mind like the desktop of a computer.  All of her individual thoughts are represented by different windows that are open on the screen.  However, every thought that is not currently at the front of her mind is like a window that has been minimized.  It's not really being thought about but it's still there.  So basically that's how it was going with me trying to ignore those thoughts. 
When we did get a chance to talk, I started the conversation with telling him "we didn't talk much today" and "that movie seemed extra long". (Well, it was the third LOTR movie so it was really long) After all we've learned in our pre-marital counseling courses and the many books we've read, I should have known better than to start our conversation on a neutral or negative note.  From there, the conversation was awkward, tense, and frustrating.  It took us almost an hour to end our talk on a positive, forgiving note.  All that to say, he said he still loved me and he forgave me right then and there.  I've been a jerk to him on occasion and yet he still finds it easy to forgive me and move on.  It could be part of it being the nature of a man to easily forgive and forget, but he was sincere.  Plus, he even reminded me that I was beautiful.  Yes, he's a keeper.
How stupid of me to treat the love of my life with such a conversation starter as that.  I didn't deserve his forgiveness but he offered it, plus his love, freely and without reserve.  Apparently I still have a lot to learn from his and God's unconditional love, but I am much more thankful for it, especially after these kinds of situations. 

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