Monday, January 17, 2011


Day 6
My brother is one of the top musicians in his high school.  He had tryouts today for the Spring musical "Into the Woods".  Last year he was the male supporting lead role for "Footloose"...and he was a freshman.  Now, as a sophomore, he has a good chance of getting another one of the lead roles.  He has an awesome sense of tone and can match pitch on the drop of a hat, even with his deep, bass voice.  Not only is he talented in voice, he is also the top trombonist in the high school bands.  Whenever I go home to visit a football game, he's the loudest one on the field during halftime.  Music runs in the family, but if he were younger, he could almost be considered somewhat of a prodigy.  Yeah, my younger brother is talented.  Enough said.
I'm thankful for talent because we all have one...or a few and they are each given to us by God.  Now if only we all would use each of our talents for His glory, as an offering of thanks for giving the talents to us in the first place.  It's difficult sometimes for me when I'm practicing my trumpet and I just can't seem to get over a particular spot in a more difficult piece.  Frustration was usually my default and I would have to take a five minute break to collect my nerves in order to practice any longer. I very often forget that I wouldn't be playing trumpet if God hadn't granted me the talent to play and perform at the level that I'm at.  I remember first choosing which instrument to start out on in elementary school and I picked up the trumpet.  The instructor told me to hold it up to my lips and make a sort of buzzing sound.  Out came a clear G and I haven't looked back since.  Anyway, I've realized that I've misplaced my gratefulness for my talent.  So lately, when I do hit a snag during a practice session, I have to remind myself that I didn't get this far by myself, it was God who granted me this wonderful gift and I need to give Him the recognition He deserves. 
It is easy to take such everyday things for granted, but I'm constantly challenged to return the glory to Him; let Him take the spotlight as I provide the music.

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