Saturday, January 29, 2011

Great 80's Movies

Day 18
Who knew a few hours of watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade could be so much fun? My college hosted a movie night.  Even with the cheesy animation and typical storyline, it was fun watching it with the student body who laughed at all the intentionally funny parts and applauded the more heroic stunts.  Watching Sean Connery destroy the Nazi plane with a flock of birds was classic and demanded the loudest applause.  It was nice to have a night to spend away from the schoolwork and the crazy schedule with less-than-desired sleep. 
Sometimes chances to chill are hard to come by or are simply not affordable because of the amount of homework or being in the classroom for student teaching.  So a simple movie night helps keep us college kids sane.  I'm thankful for those carefree hours.  It's hard to not work constantly just to get things done and stay on top of work.  Don't forget to enjoy those moments, and share them with someone else. 

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