Thursday, January 20, 2011


Day 10
Comfort is one of those things we seek usually on a daily basis, at least some of us.  Comfort in knowing you'll make it home on the snowy, dangerous roads; comfort in the form of a warm blanket wrapped around you while you enjoy a lazy night at home watching crime shows on TV; comfort in knowing that everything will work out according to God's good and perfect plan.
My level of comfort-seeking was on multiple levels today.  I got to school safely, in a nice warm car which gave physical and mental comfort.  A very positive job opportunity has opened up even more for my fiance, so we both have comfort in knowing God will bring him through the interview to hopefully landing this new job.  And also the creature comforts; sitting snuggled up under a warm, fleece blanket watching random crime shows on TV, not having to worry about driving anywhere or having a lack of heat during the winter. 
I think about the simple and often forgotten comfort that God has given us in offering us salvation.  What a comfort it is to know that those who have accepted Christ as their savior will have everlasting life.  This life, with all of its shortcomings and disappointments, is not the end if we have life through Christ.  I hope you have that calm, reassuring comfort that only comes from the assurance of knowing you're going to Heaven.  If not, you're missing out on the greatest comfort there ever was and ever will be.  I'm thankful for the comforts God has given me not just today but every day. 


  1. I love comfort! It would be amazing if we could remember how comfortable we feel when we are alseep at night:)

  2. That would be awesome! I agree :)
