Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thankful for Friends

Day 1
I, along with a few of my girl friends, was able to spend some time with an old friend over some pizza and cheesy bread sticks tonight.  We chatted about life among us and what was new.  She was always the one who had the wise word, as well as a few jokes or funny habits.  The fellowship we had was refreshing, a nice interruption to the otherwise busy day. 
We got on the topic of thankfulness and not taking significant things for granted.  Of course there are always those tidbits of life that could use a tweaking but I was reminded to keep in mind that what I'm experiencing right now in my life may never come again and remain a memory spanning four years of my life.
Just this simple exchange of thoughts caused me to take seriously the time I do get with my friends.  It is always a blessing and I don't make enough time to savor the fun moments that friends bring into life. 
Lord, thank you for the friends in my life and the many blessings they've given me.  Help me to remember to make time for them and to genuinely enjoy the fellowship you've given us.  Thank you for the bonds we share and the common bond of Christ.  You truly are amazing, God.  I love you!

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