Monday, January 31, 2011


Day 20
February is going to be a busy month but it holds a lot of good things, too.  My fiance and I will hit our 100th day in our wedding countdown, he starts his new job, another dress fitting with my aunt, a night out with my Mom, brother, and sister to watch a theater production, the official start of student teaching, Valentine's Day, Black History Month, birthdays, the start of a new devotional schedule, and all kinds of things.  I am really looking forward to a new "start" even though the year has already started as well as the spring semester of college.  I can put January and all of its rough beginnings aside and focus on making things right, work on my prioritizing, strengthening my relationship with God, and remembering to be thankful for time with friends and those I love. 
It's always refreshing to have a new beginning, a "second chance" so to speak, even though we are just changing the date on the calendar.  I'm thankful for these chances and for the refreshing way of looking at things with a new and/or improved perspective and attitude.  Thank you, Lord, for the optimism and anticipation of making this month a better one than the last. 

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