Thursday, January 27, 2011

God is in control

Day 17
Being a teacher-in-training, staying on top of educational news is important.  Today, our student teaching class learned that the current administration wants to institute a new kind of standardized  It will require all students to take a test over each subject they have at the end of each school year.  The classes they don't pass on this test are to be retaken the next school year.  I was very much saddened and outraged by this news because it will only serve to hurt the education system and the students.  Think of the rise in dropouts from students who simply can't handle taking and retaking a class (or classes) that they don't feel school is worth the effort anymore; or the unnecessary stress it places on students, teachers, and school districts to get the students ready to take such a test.  Plus the students' pass or fail is determined solely on this new test; which gives no adequate reflection on the students' academic performance throughout the rest of the year.  And the poor students who simply aren't good test-takers...
My heart goes out to my fellow educators and present and future students.  But despite this sad news, I know God is in control and everything will turn out for the best, for which I am very thankful.

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