Saturday, April 16, 2011

Busy Days

Day 94
Saturdays are traditionally meant for relaxing and taking it easy.  I don't think I've had one of those in quite some time.  Today was no exception.  I had a dress fitting in the morning, a bridal shower in the afternoon, and a formal banquet in the evening.  I don't mind busy days but this one was one for the books.  The dress fitting was fun and my sister and I were able to visit our aunt while we were being fitted; the bridal shower brought together friends, family, and future family together to have fun, celebrate Dustin's and my wedding, and enjoy delicious food.
The banquet, however, was a different story.  It was held in Cincinnati, two hours away from where the bridal party was held, so Dustin picked me up from the bridal shower and we headed towards the south.  First off, we ended up leaving the shower late because of the clean-up and good-byes, then I forgot to print off directions so we had to call up some of my friends and get directions from them.  After that, we finally found the location only to find out that there was a fee for parking...with only exact change.  So we had to borrow money from another friend of mine (she was a life saver!).  Walking up to the entrance, Dustin forgot to change into his dress shoes and had to run back to the car to change quickly while I waited at the main entrance.  Once inside, though, we arrived just in time for dinner to be served and we finally were able to enjoy an evening together with friends, good food, music, and great conversations. 
Now that I'm home, I feel like I could plop over onto my laptop right now and fall sound asleep.  Today was jam-packed with things to do and places to be, but it was so worth it.  I was able to visit with friends and family as well as hit the town with Dustin.  Busyness is the story of my life, but it's days like this that make me thankful for them. 

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