Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Music Ed. Majors

Day 91
The MENC organization hosted a farewell party for the graduating music education seniors this evening.  We had pizza from the local pizza shop, cookies, brownies, cupcakes, pop, and all kinds of good, sugary stuff.  We got to sit in the sun outside of the music department building and enjoy our food and each other's fellowship.  The seniors were prompted to take a scavenger hunt that led all four of us to a framed photo collage of pictures of all five of us seniors, including the one who just finished his overseas student teaching.  It was so sweet of the group to do that for us!  We got to swap stories of each of the seniors, both sentimental and funny, then our adviser had us all sit in front of all the other students and she presented to each of us a music bag filled with various teaching materials!  We each got notebooks, stickers pads, award cards, water bottles, bulletin board boarders, and a music koosh (an insider's teaching tool that only the music educators knew about because of our adviser).  I don't think I've ever felt so blessed by the music department and the music educator chapter especially.  They all made us feel good about our four years of busyness as well as encouraged us as we enter the real world soon.  I really appreciate those people and our adviser who invested so much time and effort into us in getting us ready to go out into the field of teaching music.  I will forever be indebted to that group and the great memories we've all made.

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