Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Heart to Hearts

Day 76
Wow, I cannot express how emotional today has been.  I went to campus for a trumpet lesson and to get some paperwork stuff completed.  I was reminded how close my recital check was and that I still desperately need an accompanist.  After work, I cried all the way home and ended up sitting in the driveway for a good ten minutes bawling like a baby.  I've never felt so overwhelmed.  It was hard to even talk to my fiance about what was going on.  Eventually, as I sat in the driveway, I started praying and I gave all my issues and worries to God.  That sounds so cliche but it was so relieving to hand my problems over to someone else.  I know He will take care of the accompanist, the finances, the paperwork, the student teaching, and everything else that was weighing on my mind.  After that I was able to better articulate my feelings to my best friend.  I'm so thankful for a loving God who is always there, even when I've ignored Him and haven't given Him the proper attention.  I'm praying for a better day tomorrow, but more importantly, a day in which I am constantly aware of His goodness and provision. 

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