Saturday, April 9, 2011

Legal Documents

Day 86
This is probably one of the only times I will admit to being thankful for a legal document.  Apart from seeing Dustin for the second day in a row, we got to purchase our marriage license! Wow, what an experience.  We found our way to the correct office and sat down at the front desk.  The lady who helped us told us to raise our right hands and say an oath; very similar to the oath said when a witness comes to the witness stand during a trial.  It immediately put a serious tone to the whole procedure.  We gave our information, our parents' information, and signed the release document.  We even saw the process of placing the seal of Ohio on the license!  Pretty cool if you ask me.  After about ten or fifteen minutes, it was official and we got to walk out with our license and all the necessary paperwork to give to our officiating pastor.  Yet another thing accomplished for the wedding!  Yes, thanks God for such an important and meaningful legal document. 

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