Thursday, April 7, 2011


Day 81
Being home has made me realize how much I appreciate my family and how much I'm going to miss seeing them so often once I'm married.  Today I got to work with my mom, brother, and sister at the family pizza shop!  My brother stocked, my mom ran the cash register, and my sister and I ran the kitchen.  It's always much more enjoyable and fun when all of us work at the same time.  I was able to spend some time with my sister while she was here for the day, share similar humor with my brother, and talk to mom about wedding stuff. 
I have already bragged on all of my family but I can't get over the fact that we are all so different and yet so alike at the same time.  I love that about us.  We've stuck together and have grown closer together, for the most part, since our parents' divorce and I wouldn't trade time with my siblings for anything.  I'm especially thankful for these two weeks off so I can have the chance to spend at least some time with Mom, Kyle, and Keriann.  It's funny to realize how much you miss someone when you come back for a visit.  I'm still working on wrapping my mind around the fact that all of my time with my immediate family will now be spent in visits.  From here on out, I will no longer be permanently living at my Mom's house; I have an apartment with two other girls right now and I will be moving in with my fiance once we're married.  Wow.  This must be the week for reality checks.  I'm so thankful for my family and the chances I get to spend with them.

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