Monday, April 11, 2011

Passing the Recital Check

Day 89
I know no greater relief from today other than passing my recital check!  What a weight off of my shoulders and what a testimony to God's provision and strength.  He gave me the confidence I needed to be sure I could get through all the music and He didn't let any thoughts get the better of me.  My professor tells me I am my own worst enemy when it comes to performing because I subconsciously tell myself that I won't be able to make it, I won't be able to hit the high notes or take in as big a breath as I need to.  Today, though, I focused on consistent breathing, taking in bigger breaths, and remembering to take my time between movements and pieces. 
I finally feel like I'm where I need to be as a trumpet player.  I have struggled with thoughts of not being good enough for the music department and not always meeting my professor's or my standards.  Today, I feel like it was the affirmation I needed to let me know that I am where God wants me to be, in the busiest part of my life, playing my best for His glory. 

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