Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sanctified Covenants

Day 100
Today one of my close friends got married to her best friend!!  What a wedding it turned out to be.  Everything was beautifully arranged and the ceremony went without a hitch...except Steph's laughter.  I don't think it would have been her wedding if there was no laughing involved.  I love to see those two so happy together and it brings me joy to see that they are ready to make such a holy and sanctified covenant with each other as God commands.
Watching her come down the aisle was a wave of emotions.  Everyone was either crying, smiling, looking on in awe, or watching Dylan's face as Steph walked toward him.  She was a beautiful and radiant bride!  I only hope and pray for the best for them.  God brought them together and He will keep them together as long as they keep Him in focus.  I'm so excited for them!

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