Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good Times Ahead

Day 97
In twenty-five days I will be married to my best friend, a week before that, I will be a college graduate,  a few days before that,  I will have finished my senior recital and student teaching; about a week before that, one of my roommates will be married.  It's been a stressful few days so it's nice to be able to reflect on the good times to come.  I've joked around saying that I will have to get married before I ever have any downtime, and so far, that sounds about right.  I'm very much looking forward to completing my senior recital, seeing one of my best friends get married, finishing student teaching, graduating, and finally getting married.  Then it's off to a few days with Dustin to just chill, hang out, and get ready for married life.
I find it very easy to become distracted and discouraged by the stress in life, by those things that just aren't going the way they are supposed to, so I'm very thankful to have so many things to look forward to.  I have my wonderful fiance to lean on, a supportive family, and roommates who are just joy to be with.  Thank you, Lord, for the blessings of better times ahead and for keeping me focused on those good things to ward off the discouragement and stress.

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