Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring break!

Day 72
I am officially on Spring break!!  Now I get to go home and finish wedding planning with my fiance and mom, work at the family pizza shop, and practice for my upcoming recital check.  I don't really believe in relaxing break anymore; they are more an opportunity to get non-school stuff done.  I will take a break once I get married I guess...which is in fifty days as of today.
At school, everyone had this energy of anticipation, of just getting through the day so everyone could go home.  Many of my students will be traveling, hanging out, having sleep-overs, etc.  Those were the days.  I'm hoping to get a lot done this break so I can focus primarily on student teaching and my recital once I come back. 
God has been so good in providing strength and perseverance to get through this much of the semester.  I know He will continue to supply me with what I need.  I'm very thankful for these upcoming two weeks to get a lot of work done, plans made, and money saved.  It will be a nice change of pace and atmosphere, too.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Unfailing Love

Day 71
How do you measure love?  How you fully experience God's love?  Maybe it's by living according to His will; by acknowledging His outstretched arms on the cross as He died for all of us; maybe by loving others without thinking of benefiting ourselves; giving until we cannot possibly give anymore.  I'm still trying to figure that out.  God's love, as much as I do know, is unconditional.  I doubt we can understand the full extent of "unconditional" love until we feel His love, agape love.  How is it humanly possible to love someone unconditionally?  We can definitely strive for that kind of love, but I don't think we could ever accurately imitate God's level of unconditional love.
I'm trying to put back together my spiritual life.  As I do, I become more aware of God's endless patience as well as His love.  I also see the selfless love shown by my fiance as we deal with individual finances, job opportunities, and me finishing school so we can get married.  I guess we get a glimpse of God's unconditional love when we practice it to each other, especially to the ones we love most dearly.  God is always there for me, Dustin is always there for me.  I can see a slight parallel between the two displays of love and I'm very thankful that God can still love me after I've failed to daily acknowledge Him.  I am also thankful that God can show His love through human beings as I see an example of His love through the way Dustin loves me. 
God's love is such a deep subject.  It is the most pure, the most patient, the most selfless.  What a wonder that we are given the capabilities to experience even just a taste of such a love. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Day 70
I'm going to be married in 52 days and it hit me today that I will be living a completely new life, away from most of the things that I knew growing up and even some things that I will no longer have with me.  My sister and I were looking through some pictures of our cats that we've raised from their birth.  It's crazy to think that they are almost two years old!  They are our boys and we love coming home to be greeted by them.  I won't have that anymore once I'm married.  Wow.  That was just the beginning of the reality check...
I know that married life will be absolutely wonderful because I will be able to live life alongside my best friend and greatest companion.  But I'm also becoming more thankful for those things with which I grew up and knew previously.  Everything I experienced in my youth through high school will soon be put  in boxes to store for memory's sake or given away to make room for the new things.  I am excited about downsizing my personal inventory, don't get me wrong.  I just need to get used to the fact that life will be different; I will be living with someone I've never lived with before, I will get to share my own kitchen, and everything I will own will be for our life together and for my teaching career. 
I guess I will have to make some visits to my mom's house to check on the boys and the rest of the family.  I'm so very thankful for those things that are so familiar to me, and for the things that will become familiar to me in the future. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Young Musicians

Day 69
I'm reminded of how I must have been when I started out on trumpet whenever I watch my students learn more about their instruments and general music.  Yesterday, my trumpet students worked on long tone studies except we spiced it up and made it into a long note competition.  They loved it!  They even wanted to compete with me to see how well they could do against a college student.  Truthfully, they did really well!  And, whether they knew it or not, they were becoming better players by developing their air capacity and learning how to evenly distribute that air while they played.  I'm so proud of my band kids.
Today marked the first round of classes to experience Music Free Day since it's the last week before Spring break and the end of the nine week grading period.  Third grade students did music style bingo and enjoyed every minute of it.  They were learning and reviewing different styles at the same time while making connections to styles they may have heard just listening to music in the car or from television.  They definitely broadened their musical understanding today and it was a great experience to watch these young musicians grow and enjoy it at the same time.  God, thank you so much for this precious opportunity to help these musicians grow and learn about music.  They are such blessings in my life!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Wise Counsel

Day 68
I went in for my follow up appointment after having a heart monitor.  I talked with a very kind nurse practitioner who was very personable and genuine.  I go to a Christian university but she is probably the first medical personnel to take a spiritual interest in me as a patient.  She asked general questions about how I had been feeling, what my schedule is like (to determine stress levels), and what kind of symptoms were happening. 
After we talked about the results of the monitor's readings, she gave me some advice on how to deal with the more stressful situations, especially moments in student teaching.  The first thing she suggested was taking deep breaths as soon as I start to feel consciously stressed.  It's supposed to calm one's body mentally and physically.  She also recommended I start taking multi-vitamins to help regulate my vitamin and mineral intake.  But the last thing she suggested really hit home and made me understand the importance of a solid prayer life and relationship with God.  She suggested that I take the time driving to school to talk to God and to give the day to Him before the stress even begins.  She brought up a passage from Philippians 4:6-8 which talks about not being anxious for anything and giving it all to God in thankfulness and praise, letting Him handle the worries while I focus on the good things. 
I have been struggling with the fact that my spiritual life isn't where it needs to be.  What the practitioner told me today was such a welcome reality check that fit right in with what God has been showing me and teaching me about strengthening my relationship with Him.  I'm so thankful that I met with that lady today.  Funny thing though: I was supposed to meet with the doctor who recommended I have the monitor in the first place, but today his daughter was sick so he was out of the office.  I think it was definitely part of God's plan that that lady was in my life today. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Day 67
I haven't been able to attend the church I go to while I'm at school for a while.  It felt good to be back and to be in the midst of so many fellow believers worshiping together.  The people at this church are always so friendly and helpful.  They aren't afraid to talk to you, shake your hand, and ask how you are doing.  I love that about them.  It's a great example of how the people of God should treat guests and show them hospitality.  It's so discouraging to walk into an unfamiliar church as a visitor and have everyone ignore you. 
The message was also in line with how the Word of God should be preached.  There were no compromises on interpretation, no bad word assumptions, and the speaker had done his share of research on the passage.  It was encouraging to know that even though the church is looking for a senior pastor, they still held together and lifted each other up, even in their choice of guest speakers. 
The worship also makes me smile.  There is a great balance of contemporary and classic hymns, choir and orchestra, and there were no divas who sang every Sunday morning.  The musicians knew their stuff and were genuine in their worship as they played.
It's always a breath of fresh air whenever I am able to attend their services.  Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful group of people who make up a portion of Your church.  Please continue to lead them and bless them as they aim to serve You in all they do.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Time with My Best Friend

Day 66
Amazing day!  Slept in, swept the floors, wiped down mirrors and dusted shelves, got ahead on student teaching stuff and...I got to spend the rest of the day with my fiance!!  I can't help but brag on how he treats me, leads, works, and how he continues to grow in faith.  God has definitely blessed me with an amazing husband to be and these last 56 days of single-hood can't go by fast enough. 
Wedding planning is almost done and it's sad that so many brides-to-be get so worked up and stressed over planning their special day.  He has been amazing yet again while he helps me every step of the way as we plan our wedding; heck, we even looked at flowers together today to get ideas for the arrangements and bouquets.  If the planning does get a tad stressful, which is rare, he is always right there to encourage me on.  I'm very much looking forward to our life together.  God, please continue to guide us as we prepare for married life.  May we strengthen our dedication to You and each other every step of the way.  Thank you for such a wonderful friend.

Long Naps

Day 65
I haven't had the opportunity to take a nap in a while now, probably because of student teaching, what else is new...
I stayed on campus all day so I could attend a get together with fellow music majors this evening.  I didn't feel like driving home then back to campus so I decided to grab a quick nap in the backseat of my car.  It lasted over two hours...which felt amazing.  I'm thankful for those rare moments when I can just let the busyness of life pass by for a few hours and enjoy some much needed rest, even if it's in the back of my car.  Thank you, Lord, for the chances to catch up on rest, for myself and those who are also busy. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Day 64
Spring is just around the corner!  Woohoo!  I absolutely loved the warm weather today.  I got to drive down the road with my windows open and my Journey CD cranked up high.  Spring is the sign of new life, new beginnings.  The taste of warmer weather today reminded me to be thankful for these chances to start anew, to finish what I've started, and to put on a positive outlook on life in general.  I get to be married to my best friend in 58 days, I graduate college, I have the opportunity to finish my student teaching on a positive note, and put new motivation into preparing for my senior recital. 
I love it when that refreshing feeling comes.  It seems as though when things start to get monotonous and boring, God brings a light of new hope...and warmer, longer days.  I'm so thankful for the warm weather today and for the renewed spirit of perseverance and motivation that comes with it. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Safe Drivers

Day 63
It seems like every day that I come across a driver who risks his safety and the safety of others as he drives down the road.  Driving to or from student teaching always provides great opportunities for stories, some which are kind of scary.  I'm rather tired of sharing the road with people who have little care for their fellow drivers.  But on the other hand, I'm so thankful for those who are considerate in their driving, willing to watch out for the safety of others rather than trying to get somewhere as fast as they can or how much they can show off their peel-out skills.  I've been in my share of car accidents, which probably has contributed to a more careful driving habit.  I know we all have our road-rage moments, myself included, which makes me even more thankful for the safe drivers out there who aren't giving into road rage. 
I guess I just need to do my best in being one of those safe drivers so I can help ensure the safety of those around me and hopefully set some example for others.  Lord, please protect those who are driving tonight and who will be driving tomorrow.  Please help those who take risks behind the wheel to realize they are putting people in danger.  Thank you for those who are mindful of their and others safety. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time with the Girls

Day 62
We are all very busy this semester with lesson plans, wedding plans, student teaching, and internships but we always seem to get a little bit of time in every night to talk, joke, accomplish work together, and just be in the same room as each other.  I'm thankful for my roomies and I am blessed to have them as my friends. 
We feel comfortable talking about pretty much anything and everything; venting when we need it; uplifting each other on bad days; and going shopping together or for each other.  These girls are a huge part of keeping me sane this semester.  When the going gets tough, the girls get tougher.  God, please bless my roommates, those wonderful girls who help make life more bearable and worthwhile. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Instrumental music

Day 61
As I write this I am listening to Symphony No. 7 in A Major by Beethoven.  Ah, I love Beethoven's music.  It's beautifully written and emotionally charged.  He has such an understanding and way of working with the music to make it what it is, even when he couldn't hear his own compositions.  I was able to have sectionals with my band students today and witnessed yet again the joy of experiencing instrumental music in its early stages of understanding.  The students are learning so many new things at once.  Of course, instrumental music is full of learning new things simultaneously; reading, fingering, breathing, notation, dynamics, etc.  I love to see the light bulb go off in their minds when a concept clicks and they are then able to apply that concept to other areas of their music experience. 
It is also interesting to see the many different levels that they are at.  Some are still making the mental connection between seeing what note is written and the fingering or position that corresponds with seeing that note.  Then there are some who are beginning to fine tune their music reading.  They are starting to understand how to perform dynamics, better breathing techniques, and how to perform as an ensemble.  I get all excited when they realize their own potential because I was once in their shoes, just learning my own instrument. 
God, thank you so much for the beautiful gift of music, especially instrumental music.  May we always see its importance in school and in our lives. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time with Mom

Day 60
I don't get a lot of time with my mom as much as I did when I wasn't engaged or in college for that matter.  She has always been there for me and has always helped me through life.  If it weren't for my mom, I wouldn't be half the person I am.  Today I got to spend a little time with her before heading back to school after a weekend working at home to earn a few extra bucks.  She took me shopping for groceries, things for my students, and bought me some Dairy Queen before I headed back.  I really appreciate my mom and all she does for me, even the little things like a bowl of ice cream. 
Reality is slowly beginning to hit.  I'm gradually acknowledging that, soon, I will no longer be living with my immediate blood family.  Life will be different. Wonderful, but different.  God thank you so much for my amazing mom.  Bless her and keep her close to You. 

Things Coming Together

Day 59
My dear friend and coworker showed me her ideas for the decorations for our wedding.  She is very creative and is known for her organization and handiwork. She had the entire reception hall planned out!  I seriously think she's an angel in disguise for doing all of that.  Everything looked amazing and her ideas were similar or exactly to what my fiance and I had thought about.  Everything from the wedding party table, the centerpieces, to the bubbles our guests would have for the exit, she had an idea of what she wanted to do and everything matched our colors and plans.  It was a huge weight off my shoulders to think we didn't have to worry about organizing and figuring out decorations ourselves this close to the wedding.  Lord, thank you for such a wonderful friend!
I was able to work nine hours at the family pizza shop which gave me the gas money for the week...and maybe, just maybe, a little extra to have to spend on my students :)  My heart monitor is now being read and the results will be in this week.  That's another item of business that can be checked off the list of things to do. 
At this point, it's pretty much smooth sailing for the wedding planning.  I know if God can get us through that bit of life, He can definitely take care of my recital and student teaching. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Eventful Fun Days

Day 58
Today was just a great day overall.  I am thankful for these kinds of days especially since they seem to come far and few between.  For once I was able to get an adequate amount of sleep which allowed me to be awake in the morning, my heart monitor is tolerable, the students did well most of the day, my observation hit high marks, I got to skype for two hours with my fiance, caught up a little bit on the Biggest Loser and Bones, and I'm going to bed after having a banana and peanut butter washed down with hot chamomile tea. 
God is so good.  I say that a lot, but it's so true.  When the weeks seem to be getting no less longer, He blesses us with a day that is tolerable and uplifting.  Our God is truly an awesome God. 
I could go on and on about His goodness today but suffice it to say that it was full of blessing, laughter, and light-hearted carefree relaxation.  I hope we all can remember to take a break and look for the little things in life that make it livable, and to thank God, the One who has generously blessed us with so much to begin with.  

Thursday, March 10, 2011

People Who Care

Day 57
It's been a rough few weeks with student teaching, early mornings, heart palpitations, and busy schedules but somehow I'm still functioning.  It's not a mystery that God has placed very wonderful people in my life to help my get by and thrive through the harder times.  My mom and grandparents have done so much to help out with the wedding finances; my extended family is doing all kinds of smaller tasks to help the wedding run smoothly that day; my fiance stands by me every day, good or bad, and always is there to listen and remind me that I'm beautiful; my roommates are always encouraging and motivating by their hard work and dedication. 
I find it easy to not be thankful for things and people, but I'm glad I have this opportunity to develop a discipline and a habit of thankfulness, especially those who have and are impacting my life every day.  It's so easy to get discouraged and down-hearted, but these awesome people are always there to lift me up and be my solid rocks.  Thank you, God, for placing these amazing people in my life right now, when I need them most.  They truly are living blessings of Your goodness and grace.  I don't know what I could do without them.  Bless each and every one of them.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Duct Tape

Day 56
I will have to clarify the title.  I am referring to the actual adhesive but also to God's "duct tape", His goodness and perfect plan that holds us all together as believers under His love and grace.  I refer to the more spiritual duct tape in light of today.  I'm trying to get about eight hours of sleep a night to be ready to rock and roll with seven or so classes of energetic students all day.  But today, my eight hours failed me.  After presenting lessons, tending to discipline issues, getting ready for the next class in five minutes or less, and lunch duty, I was ready to head home and get some housework done.  On the way to campus, I was feeling particularly drowsy from the day's activities so I cranked up my rock music and tried to keep myself awake on the road.  I usually never nod off while I'm driving.  I did today.  It was only for a second but when I opened my eyes, I was left of center with traffic coming my way.  Reflex (and God's grace) told me to swerve back into my lane. Thanks to the adrenaline rush from the shock I was able to make it to campus without dozing off again.  Talk about scary.  So tonight, I'm getting eight and a half hours and eating snacks during the school day to keep my energy up. 
Duct tape in the literal sense brought a smile to my face today as my fiance told me of the things he had been doing with the apartment.  He started to bring some aesthetics to the kitchen with a shelf topped with old-style root beer and Coke bottles.  The Coke bottle wasn't balancing very well so,...he added some duct tape to the bottom of the bottle to steady it.  The creative man he is, he also fashioned a duct tape remote holder for his chair in the living room.  Pure genius if you ask me.  Yup, that's my man.  I know we will never be without a stroke of creativity and fun in our home. 
Thank you, God, for keeping me safe and for the creativity of my wonderful fiance when it comes to Your "duct tape" and his. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Day 55
Today was rough across the board with all of my classes.  The Kindergarten would not listen nor follow directions, the first grade students were hurting each other's feelings and not listening, the second graders treated music class like a free period and only half the class was truly involved in what I was trying to present.  I have a lot of work to do this week on tweaking my lessons and teaching methods.  I think a lot of it is just keeping the class moving, switching up activities like crazy, and trying to have controlled fun with them.  I love my students but they sure know how to make a day hectic and long. 
On the drive home, I got to thinking how I could do better in my classes.  I thought of organization ideas, activities, formatting the lessons so they flowed and the energy kept moving, and tons of other things.  I stopped at four different stores trying to find graph paper to make charts, came home with poster board for keeping track of points, and I started working on a binder to organize my band kids' points.  As soon as I started on those projects, my day became so much better.  I just hope the effort pays off in the end.  I'm so thankful for this small ounce of motivation that will end up helping me and the students in the long run. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Strength to Keep Going

Day 54
I don't think I believe in a day off any more.  I have been going full speed ahead for a while now and I just need to keep trucking.  Amidst lesson plans, private lessons, going home to work, traveling, appointments, decent bedtimes, and wedding planning, I don't think I've taken a true day off since Christmas break.  I'm functioning on about five and a half hours as it is and I still have four days left of the school week to prepare and get ready for. 
Spring break is coming up but it will be filled with work, wedding details, visiting, traveling, practicing, and maybe some sleep thrown in here and there.  I'm looking forward to getting a lot done during that break but I will also be ready to finally have a true break when all is said and done.  I'm going to have to wait til I'm married just to have some down time.  I'm so thankful though for the support from my family, friends, and hubby to be.  They keep me going and they encourage me to hang in there even when I'm spent.  God continues to give me the strength to keep going and the discipline to schedule my days carefully so I can make the most of my precious minutes.  So, here's to another week and to God's never-ending grace and provision. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

First Home

Day 53
My fiance moved into what will soon be "our" apartment today.  He chose it in a safe location, within walking distance of his job, a low rent payment each month, and decent living space.  We get to give the place our own personal touch when I move in once we get married but for now he's doing a great job of getting minor repairs taken care of and making sure it will be suitable for the two of us come May. 
It was good to spend some time discussing the future plans involving the apartment and figuring out details like parking, shopping, and our new surroundings.  It was a major reality check that married life is just around the corner, sixty-nine days to be exact.  God is so good in providing us with our first home, the finances to afford it, and the supplies to make it our own for a while.
Married life will be awesome.

Relaxing Moments

Day 52
I was finding it hard to be thankful for anything today.  It was generally a rough day.  It started out okay but it slowly began to wear on me.  Working nine hours is a killer to begin with, but couple that with a coworker who has it in their mind to be annoying all night and decide that everyone is due for a joke, and you get a recipe for headache and short patience. 
At the end of the day, I just wanted to take a long, hot shower and go to bed.  But being on my feet all day, and all week for that matter, I felt like taking a few moments to myself and watch television, something I don't do often at college.  I'm so thankful for those few moments of sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels, swapping inside jokes with my brother.  A rough day is rough, but God always gives the grace to get through it and relax for a bit.


Day 51
It's been a rough going with figuring out how to effectively teach Kindergarten classes with only twenty minute class periods.  I'm slowly learning that the more kinesthetic the activity is, the more focused the students are.  However, the flipside involves knowing how to effectively control their behavior while presenting and teaching a lesson that has to meet a certain objective.  I learned last time that the faster paced the class was, the smoother things went.  I applied it to today's classes while spending very little time on handling misbehavior.  It was so much fun! I was as active as they were and they seemed to enjoy that more personal involvement. 
Kindergarten is definitely its own animal when it comes to teaching technique and how to handle the class while presenting the lesson.  But you got to love little kids who steal your heart every day they walk in to the music classroom.  Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to learn from these young students and to develop my teaching skills that will honor You now and when I become a full-time teacher.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Day 50
Our music educator's organization had the chance to skype with a former student and a student teacher who are both teaching overseas right now.  One was in China and one was in Ecuador.  They both had overwhelming workloads as they both taught all grades from kindergarten to twelfth with everything in between.  From general music in the preschool level to high school marching band, they were involved with it all.  I thought it was sort of overwhelming with just general music and fourth and fifth grade band. 
They definitely gave great words of encouragement for us teachers-to-be and gave great examples of all the good things that have come of their experiences so far.  It made me want to come home and get to work on thinking of creative ways to teach my students about music.  I love those kids and I really want to experiment with ways to make the learning experience better and more exciting.  I have a ton of thoughts running through my mind right now.  I'm pretty thankful for the encouragement we received tonight.  I can't wait to have my very own classroom full of kids!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good days

Day 49
Kindergarten: my project for this semester.  Today, they did really well with the lesson!  Yes!  I was so glad the lesson went as I planned.  I think one of the keys was to keep them moving, seeing that they are a very kinesthetic age group.  Focusing on some of the students' behavior, not all of them, led to peer pressure and then the rest of them would behave and follow directions if the majority of the class was doing something.  After they left, I felt relieved. During lunch duty, a few of the kindergarten students came up to me and started to sing the song that we did in class!  That was exciting.  Any day with good kindergarten classes is a good day. 
Also, after praying and talking about it, my fiance and I officially have our first apartment that we will both live in once we're married!  God is so good and He continues to provide for us.  My fiance moves in this Saturday and I will join him after we tie the knot.  That's about as exciting as a good kindergarten day. 
Homework is done, tomorrow is another day closer to the weekend, things are under control, and God is still sovereign.  I"m thankful for good days and I will gladly take them any day. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Day 48
Patience is usually not a problem in my life but today brought on many instances where I need to be more graceful in being patient.  During the school day, I was faced with twenty-four kindergarten students with several of them having multiple disabilities.  It was hard to get anything done with them during the twenty minutes I had.  On a lighter note of working on patience, my fiance found a prospective apartment that will more than likely be our first home together once we're married.  Now it's even harder to wait for the wedding to get here so we can start a chapter of life with just the two of us.  I don't see it as a negative issue but it is getting harder and harder to be patient about waiting for something so wonderful and blessed. 
Students themselves try my patience every once in a while throughout the school day.  I think it's just another hurdle I have to jump while I'm learning to be a teacher.  God, thank you for the patience you've given me.  Please continue to help me work on the patience that still needs to be cultivated.