Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Day 48
Patience is usually not a problem in my life but today brought on many instances where I need to be more graceful in being patient.  During the school day, I was faced with twenty-four kindergarten students with several of them having multiple disabilities.  It was hard to get anything done with them during the twenty minutes I had.  On a lighter note of working on patience, my fiance found a prospective apartment that will more than likely be our first home together once we're married.  Now it's even harder to wait for the wedding to get here so we can start a chapter of life with just the two of us.  I don't see it as a negative issue but it is getting harder and harder to be patient about waiting for something so wonderful and blessed. 
Students themselves try my patience every once in a while throughout the school day.  I think it's just another hurdle I have to jump while I'm learning to be a teacher.  God, thank you for the patience you've given me.  Please continue to help me work on the patience that still needs to be cultivated. 

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