Monday, March 21, 2011

Wise Counsel

Day 68
I went in for my follow up appointment after having a heart monitor.  I talked with a very kind nurse practitioner who was very personable and genuine.  I go to a Christian university but she is probably the first medical personnel to take a spiritual interest in me as a patient.  She asked general questions about how I had been feeling, what my schedule is like (to determine stress levels), and what kind of symptoms were happening. 
After we talked about the results of the monitor's readings, she gave me some advice on how to deal with the more stressful situations, especially moments in student teaching.  The first thing she suggested was taking deep breaths as soon as I start to feel consciously stressed.  It's supposed to calm one's body mentally and physically.  She also recommended I start taking multi-vitamins to help regulate my vitamin and mineral intake.  But the last thing she suggested really hit home and made me understand the importance of a solid prayer life and relationship with God.  She suggested that I take the time driving to school to talk to God and to give the day to Him before the stress even begins.  She brought up a passage from Philippians 4:6-8 which talks about not being anxious for anything and giving it all to God in thankfulness and praise, letting Him handle the worries while I focus on the good things. 
I have been struggling with the fact that my spiritual life isn't where it needs to be.  What the practitioner told me today was such a welcome reality check that fit right in with what God has been showing me and teaching me about strengthening my relationship with Him.  I'm so thankful that I met with that lady today.  Funny thing though: I was supposed to meet with the doctor who recommended I have the monitor in the first place, but today his daughter was sick so he was out of the office.  I think it was definitely part of God's plan that that lady was in my life today. 

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