Sunday, March 20, 2011


Day 67
I haven't been able to attend the church I go to while I'm at school for a while.  It felt good to be back and to be in the midst of so many fellow believers worshiping together.  The people at this church are always so friendly and helpful.  They aren't afraid to talk to you, shake your hand, and ask how you are doing.  I love that about them.  It's a great example of how the people of God should treat guests and show them hospitality.  It's so discouraging to walk into an unfamiliar church as a visitor and have everyone ignore you. 
The message was also in line with how the Word of God should be preached.  There were no compromises on interpretation, no bad word assumptions, and the speaker had done his share of research on the passage.  It was encouraging to know that even though the church is looking for a senior pastor, they still held together and lifted each other up, even in their choice of guest speakers. 
The worship also makes me smile.  There is a great balance of contemporary and classic hymns, choir and orchestra, and there were no divas who sang every Sunday morning.  The musicians knew their stuff and were genuine in their worship as they played.
It's always a breath of fresh air whenever I am able to attend their services.  Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful group of people who make up a portion of Your church.  Please continue to lead them and bless them as they aim to serve You in all they do.

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