Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good days

Day 49
Kindergarten: my project for this semester.  Today, they did really well with the lesson!  Yes!  I was so glad the lesson went as I planned.  I think one of the keys was to keep them moving, seeing that they are a very kinesthetic age group.  Focusing on some of the students' behavior, not all of them, led to peer pressure and then the rest of them would behave and follow directions if the majority of the class was doing something.  After they left, I felt relieved. During lunch duty, a few of the kindergarten students came up to me and started to sing the song that we did in class!  That was exciting.  Any day with good kindergarten classes is a good day. 
Also, after praying and talking about it, my fiance and I officially have our first apartment that we will both live in once we're married!  God is so good and He continues to provide for us.  My fiance moves in this Saturday and I will join him after we tie the knot.  That's about as exciting as a good kindergarten day. 
Homework is done, tomorrow is another day closer to the weekend, things are under control, and God is still sovereign.  I"m thankful for good days and I will gladly take them any day. 

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