Friday, March 11, 2011

Eventful Fun Days

Day 58
Today was just a great day overall.  I am thankful for these kinds of days especially since they seem to come far and few between.  For once I was able to get an adequate amount of sleep which allowed me to be awake in the morning, my heart monitor is tolerable, the students did well most of the day, my observation hit high marks, I got to skype for two hours with my fiance, caught up a little bit on the Biggest Loser and Bones, and I'm going to bed after having a banana and peanut butter washed down with hot chamomile tea. 
God is so good.  I say that a lot, but it's so true.  When the weeks seem to be getting no less longer, He blesses us with a day that is tolerable and uplifting.  Our God is truly an awesome God. 
I could go on and on about His goodness today but suffice it to say that it was full of blessing, laughter, and light-hearted carefree relaxation.  I hope we all can remember to take a break and look for the little things in life that make it livable, and to thank God, the One who has generously blessed us with so much to begin with.  

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