Sunday, March 6, 2011


Day 51
It's been a rough going with figuring out how to effectively teach Kindergarten classes with only twenty minute class periods.  I'm slowly learning that the more kinesthetic the activity is, the more focused the students are.  However, the flipside involves knowing how to effectively control their behavior while presenting and teaching a lesson that has to meet a certain objective.  I learned last time that the faster paced the class was, the smoother things went.  I applied it to today's classes while spending very little time on handling misbehavior.  It was so much fun! I was as active as they were and they seemed to enjoy that more personal involvement. 
Kindergarten is definitely its own animal when it comes to teaching technique and how to handle the class while presenting the lesson.  But you got to love little kids who steal your heart every day they walk in to the music classroom.  Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to learn from these young students and to develop my teaching skills that will honor You now and when I become a full-time teacher.

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