Thursday, March 10, 2011

People Who Care

Day 57
It's been a rough few weeks with student teaching, early mornings, heart palpitations, and busy schedules but somehow I'm still functioning.  It's not a mystery that God has placed very wonderful people in my life to help my get by and thrive through the harder times.  My mom and grandparents have done so much to help out with the wedding finances; my extended family is doing all kinds of smaller tasks to help the wedding run smoothly that day; my fiance stands by me every day, good or bad, and always is there to listen and remind me that I'm beautiful; my roommates are always encouraging and motivating by their hard work and dedication. 
I find it easy to not be thankful for things and people, but I'm glad I have this opportunity to develop a discipline and a habit of thankfulness, especially those who have and are impacting my life every day.  It's so easy to get discouraged and down-hearted, but these awesome people are always there to lift me up and be my solid rocks.  Thank you, God, for placing these amazing people in my life right now, when I need them most.  They truly are living blessings of Your goodness and grace.  I don't know what I could do without them.  Bless each and every one of them.

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