Monday, February 28, 2011


Day 47
God gives us many promises throughout the Bible.  One of His promises that I've come to notice more and more often is the promise of provision.  While getting ready for the next chapter of life, my fiance and I are looking for an apartment, getting finances figured out, and attempting to find a job for me in the area where we will be living.  It can get very stressful at times just trying to figure so many things out.  But God is so good and He continues to show His provision day after day.  I somehow manage to have enough money to get me enough gas to last the week and to buy just enough groceries.  My fiance has been looking high and low for a decent-sized apartment that will fit his budget (and eventually our budget).  We've come across some, but the more ideal ones are just outside the price range.  He came across one that he is looking at soon and this one might be the one, Lord willing!  Jobs are out there, it's just a matter of applying and getting my name out in the area schools or food businesses.  My fiance came up with a total of about twenty area schools that I could apply to as well as a lengthy list of local food businesses that could get me through the summer and maybe as a supplemental job if the teaching doesn't work out right away. 
I am so thankful for God's provision.  I often fall back into the pit of despair and worry but after some prayer and encouraging conversations with my best friend, I am always reminded that God will get us through and whatever happens will result in His glory and will be according to His will. 

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