Friday, February 25, 2011

Late Starts

Day 44
Snow day!!! I'm excited about it until I think of it in terms of being a teacher: now my Friday music classes are another week behind since I only see most of them once a week.  Yikes. a college student, I welcome snow days because I can get caught up and ahead on homework, sleep in, get housework done, pamper myself a bit, and enjoy the day at a nice, unstressful, relaxing pace.  I got ten hours of sleep, stayed in my pajamas until noon, organized my space, took my time getting ready for the day, played with the trumpet studio class, got homework done, and watched Tangled on campus for no cost!  Then I came home, did my nails and watched an episode of Bones. 
It's been a great day.  Even better is the fact that tomorrow I get my second dress fitting and then I see my wonderful fiance later.  God is good.  I hope all you who were traveling today were safe drivers and made it to your destination and back without much problem.  Go enjoy a hot drink, fuzzy slipper socks, and warm pajamas tonight away from the cold.  God bless!

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