Monday, February 7, 2011

Catching Up

Day 27
A few other girls and I share a common bond that we've had since our freshman year of college.  We were in the same Bible study and we formed a pretty close friendship since then.  We got together for supper for the first time this semester to catch up on each other's lives.  It's neat to see where God has taken us these past three and a half years.  We have one friend who moved back to her home country, one ministering in Africa, and our study leader is now married and lives halfway across the country. The ones still on campus have grown spiritually and emotionally and are actively pursuing what God wants for them in life. I love catching up with the girls and having some time to ourselves to swap stories, brag on each other, and lift each other up in smiles and prayers.
Then there's the harsh reality that most of us are graduating this year.  Then we will go our separate ways, back to our home states and beginning another chapter in each of our lives.  It's sad to think about, but also kind of exciting to know that we will probably stay in contact and keep each other updated on our group.  God is so good, and He has definitely blessed us with a great circle of friends.  I love those girls.

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