Thursday, February 3, 2011

Counting Down

Day 23
Today marks the 100th day until our wedding, signifying the first day of our life together.  Ah! It's so exciting to think about.  Some people are probably sick of hearing me talk about my fiance and our upcoming wedding but it's hard not to talk about the things of which bring joy.  It's not everyday one gets to plan a wedding celebrating a lifetime commitment to one's best friend. 
It has been so much fun to plan a wedding with him.  We each have a pretty equal share in the planning and he's about as excited about it as I am.  And I'm probably more excited about getting married than I am about finally graduating college, but such is life. 
I'm going to bed giddy as a school girl, in love with her best friend, and very much looking forward to spending the rest of my life with such an amazing man after God's own heart. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha I won't get sick of hearing about your wedding planning if you don't get sick of me talking about my wedding planning!

    Have fun this weekend!
