Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Living Words

Day 34
I've told people who are going through rough or stressful times that everything will work out in the end. I've told that to my fiance many times.  And, by the grace of God, everything has worked out.  Tonight, I ate my own words.  Instead of reassuring someone else everything was going to be OK, I needed the consolation myself.   Talking about finances automatically stresses me out, as I'm sure it does for a lot of people.  So when I got into a conversation regarding wedding plans and figuring out all that still needs to be paid for and ordered, I got a headache and I instantly wanted to hang up and go do something productive, aside from money. 
So, I am struggling to remind myself that God will continue to be in control even though it's really stressful right now.  I am thankful for His promise to always be there and to be the ultimate Provider.  I'm pretty sure I would be helpless without Him.

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