Sunday, February 27, 2011


Day 46
Safety is taken for granted too often in my life.  My sister and I were heading back to campus tonight in the rain.  However, it was the whole spectrum of rain intensity.  We had mist, drizzle, steady rain, and pure downpour, complete with flashes of lightening and thunder.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Spring is on its way, but this was ridiculous.  My fiance came through for me again and had just replaced the windshield wipers on my car before we headed out.  Good thing he did, that's all I got to say. 
I feel for those who drive in that or worse every day.  My dad is a truck driver and I can't imagine having to navigate a big rig through ice, snow, or torrential rain.  I commend you all for braving the weather and nasty road conditions.
Thank you, Lord, for keeping us safe on the way back and for keeping an eye on those who are still on the road 24/7.  Please keep them safe as well. 

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