Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Rough Day

Day 30
It's hard to be thankful for a rough day but I'm slowly finding it to be the foundation of learning opportunities.  Today, every class came in running to their seats, talking out of turn, not listening to anything I was saying, questioning my authority, and wasting precious class time with their antics.  After the day was done, my cooperating teacher said today was probably one of the worst days she's ever had in her teaching career, and she's been teaching for over 25 years.  It was rough.
It didn't get much better as I forgot to bring a certain change of clothes for a jazz band concert later, plus I had to finish an important paper for an education class before leaving for the concert.  By the end of the day, I was ready to plop down in my bed and crash for a few 12 hours or so. 
But God is good.  The rough days only make the good days look even better.  I'm looking forward to a somewhat relaxing weekend spent with my family and a dinner out with my fiance.  I'm thankful that the day is over, but I'm also thankful for the learning experiences I had while the school day continued going downhill with student misbehavior.  It's motivation to do better next week. 

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