Monday, February 28, 2011


Day 47
God gives us many promises throughout the Bible.  One of His promises that I've come to notice more and more often is the promise of provision.  While getting ready for the next chapter of life, my fiance and I are looking for an apartment, getting finances figured out, and attempting to find a job for me in the area where we will be living.  It can get very stressful at times just trying to figure so many things out.  But God is so good and He continues to show His provision day after day.  I somehow manage to have enough money to get me enough gas to last the week and to buy just enough groceries.  My fiance has been looking high and low for a decent-sized apartment that will fit his budget (and eventually our budget).  We've come across some, but the more ideal ones are just outside the price range.  He came across one that he is looking at soon and this one might be the one, Lord willing!  Jobs are out there, it's just a matter of applying and getting my name out in the area schools or food businesses.  My fiance came up with a total of about twenty area schools that I could apply to as well as a lengthy list of local food businesses that could get me through the summer and maybe as a supplemental job if the teaching doesn't work out right away. 
I am so thankful for God's provision.  I often fall back into the pit of despair and worry but after some prayer and encouraging conversations with my best friend, I am always reminded that God will get us through and whatever happens will result in His glory and will be according to His will. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Day 46
Safety is taken for granted too often in my life.  My sister and I were heading back to campus tonight in the rain.  However, it was the whole spectrum of rain intensity.  We had mist, drizzle, steady rain, and pure downpour, complete with flashes of lightening and thunder.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Spring is on its way, but this was ridiculous.  My fiance came through for me again and had just replaced the windshield wipers on my car before we headed out.  Good thing he did, that's all I got to say. 
I feel for those who drive in that or worse every day.  My dad is a truck driver and I can't imagine having to navigate a big rig through ice, snow, or torrential rain.  I commend you all for braving the weather and nasty road conditions.
Thank you, Lord, for keeping us safe on the way back and for keeping an eye on those who are still on the road 24/7.  Please keep them safe as well. 

Bragging Rights

Day 45
I feel like I probably mention my fiance too much in my blogs but this weekend already proves just how amazing he is.  With the wedding only 77 days away and student teaching going full swing, I am probably easily beyond the normal limits of stress.  But, I'm used to it after four years as a music education major trying to make it to graduation in only four years.  Stress is overrated.  Just saying. 
Anyway, my fiance has stood by my side and has led me through the rough spots in my life since I've met him.  This weekend alone proves how much he is my hero.  Finances are very tight, and with a car that requires premium gas, it's even rougher with the ever-rising gas prices.  In walks prince charming with a gas gift card to help me make it through the week. 
My schedule is crazy busy so I don't have as much time as I would like to spend on the remaining wedding stuff like our scrapbook.  He willingly puts it together basically by himself and purchases a frame for a free collage he made through Wal-greens. 
He opens doors for me, helps me with my coat, gives the best hugs, is the best listener and advice-giver, is the funniest man I know, he works hard, helps me with homework, etc.  I could go on and on. 
I've recently noticed that my heart has started to flutter every now and then throughout the day.  I told him about it, which freaked him out, but it's probably due mostly to stress.  He stayed up and chatted on the phone with me, made me promise to get it checked out, and put me on a no-caffeine diet. 
Basically, that was my weekend.  But more importantly is was a great opportunity to see who God was really giving to me as a husband.  I am so blessed to be his and I am so thankful that God introduced us in the first place.   

Friday, February 25, 2011

Late Starts

Day 44
Snow day!!! I'm excited about it until I think of it in terms of being a teacher: now my Friday music classes are another week behind since I only see most of them once a week.  Yikes. a college student, I welcome snow days because I can get caught up and ahead on homework, sleep in, get housework done, pamper myself a bit, and enjoy the day at a nice, unstressful, relaxing pace.  I got ten hours of sleep, stayed in my pajamas until noon, organized my space, took my time getting ready for the day, played with the trumpet studio class, got homework done, and watched Tangled on campus for no cost!  Then I came home, did my nails and watched an episode of Bones. 
It's been a great day.  Even better is the fact that tomorrow I get my second dress fitting and then I see my wonderful fiance later.  God is good.  I hope all you who were traveling today were safe drivers and made it to your destination and back without much problem.  Go enjoy a hot drink, fuzzy slipper socks, and warm pajamas tonight away from the cold.  God bless!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Learning How to be a Teacher

Day 43
Student teaching has had its ups and downs already.  I struggle sometimes with controlling and keeping the attention of a class full of twenty plus kindergarten students with multiple inclusion students.  It can be quite a zoo in the music classroom sometimes.  Today, my teacher and I had a great chat about different methods to try on the crazier classes.  Keeping the schedule flowing and full of variety while maintaining structure seems to be the key so far. 
I've been up trying to come up with different ideas for my Friday classes since they seem to be the most interesting to teach.  They are all wonderful students, I just have to learn how to cater to them as a class as well as individuals while maintaining my role as the teacher.  I enjoy the challenges and my teacher is patient with me as I learn from my mistakes.  I've come up with some new things to help keep the classes organized and structured and I'm excited to try them out tomorrow.  Friday=off-the-wall students so I think structure will definitely help lessen the chaos. 
Thank you, God, for blessing me with an uber amount of patience and the strength to keep going especially when the lessons don't go quite as planned.  Thank you for calling me to be a teacher and for helping me grow and learn along the way.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Day 42
It takes effort and a willingness to listen to your conscience to get stuff done and improve on different skills.  I admire those who have the discipline to practice over two hours a day or who can get all their work done and get to bed before 11pm every night.  Me,...I'm working on it.  The past few nights I've been in bed before 11pm, just not tonight since I have more work to do. 
I'm slowly and steadily building up the discipline to practice at least an hour every day and to spend more time on homework and lesson plans than I do checking emails and Facebook.  Even this blog has needed a level of discipline to write an entry every night.  I'm thankful for the chance to work on my discipline and to learn from other's stronger discipline so I can become a better student and a better trumpet player.  It's a work in progress and I'm thankful God is gracious enough to be patient with me while I work on it. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reality Checks

Day 41
Student teaching is rough on some days with different classes.  Today the kindergarten classes were giving me a run for my money.  I was introducing a new lesson and it wasn't going very smoothly.  They wouldn't listen to instructions, sit still, or remember to raise their hand if they wanted to talk.  It was hard fighting them the whole time while trying to get them to learn something.  My trumpet lesson didn't go so great either.  I seem to be in this annoying routine of having a really awesome lesson, then a not-so-good lesson when I need to be improving EVERY week.  My senior recital check is in about eight weeks but I really only have six more formal lessons until then.  Ouch. 
I thought about the day on the drive home and realized that it's going to be a continuous learning experience with those kindergarten kids every day.  I'm still figuring out their names, what works for each class, and how to come up with a Plan B in case my original lesson doesn't follow through.  I need to explore different methods and what I could do better to grab their attention for those quick twenty minutes of music class.  I also thought through my trumpet lesson and what needed to happen if I want to prove myself as a competent trumpet player.  My trumpet professor told me I am my own worst enemy when it comes to my playing abilities because I don't lift myself up when I practice nor do I think positively about the harder passages.  I need to work on building my confidence in my trumpet playing and every other area of life, it seems. 
Thanks, God, for the two-fold reality check today.  I must have really needed it.  Please help me gain self-confidence so that I can serve you better through my teaching and my playing. 

Monday, February 21, 2011


Day 40
All education majors had the opportunity to participate in a career fair featuring Christian schools.  I'm not sure if I want to teach in a Christian school as my first choice, but it can be an option.  I had an interview last night that opened my eyes to the possibilities of teaching overseas in a number of different countries.  I could have the opportunity of teaching music in Brazil!  Today I interviewed along with a fellow music education student at an Indiana school that offered an opportunity to teach elementary students and help head up the music program overall.  The benefit package and insurance were superb and rare options to find in a Christian school.  They boasted of a wonderful music program and they emphasized the importance of music in their school.  I think I'm warming up to the fact that I could probably teach in a Christian school if that's where God wants me to be. 
My fiance made up a list of twenty schools around the area that we are going to be living to help me see the opportunities closer to home.  That was a huge help in seeing that teaching opportunities don't have to be limited to out of state and around the world.  I'm very thankful for the chance to interview with such great schools, even though the timing may not be right yet.  God is good, and He will provide.  I'm still being reminded of that.

Car Rides

Day 39
I think my most "spiritual" moments are in the car, driving down the road.  Today was rough.  I nearly missed an important registration for potential education job interviews, realized I had a ton of work to catch up on before the start of the week, and felt like nothing had been going right for me in the education world.  I am writing this update a day late because I needed the time to calm down and recollect my thoughts and emotions so I could actually focus on the good that came out of that day. 
It just feels like I've been fighting the education department all year trying to get things done, paperwork turned in on time, finishing my graduation requirements properly, etc.  That on top of a strenuous financial situation adds up to a stressful year, tonight in particular. 
Anyway, as I was racing down the road to try to make the registration on time, I cried all the way there.  It was one of those unstoppable cries.  As much as I wanted to, and not smear my makeup, it was hard to stop the waterworks.  But everything turned out fine.  I was able to register and ended up in an interview that night. 
On the way back home, I cried a little more.  But at the same time, I was talking to God, asking Him to please show me where He wants me to be in life right now and in the upcoming months and years.  I know I will be married and living in Ohio, but it seemed like I was missing something.  As I prayed out loud, I realized I had been the commander of my life.  I haven't done a great job of keeping up with any devotional, Bible reading, or accountability.  God was gracious enough to make me see that.  As much as I wanted to do something, change any aspect of my life now and in the future, I need to realize that it has to be in God's hands, with absolute trust in Him that He is in control.  He's still showing me things, and I'm thankful that He is. 

Genuine Hearts

Day 38
After visiting my fiance and attending a young adult church service with him, I thought about what the speaker said and how he presented the message.  At first, I was finding it hard to concentrate on the lyrics of the worship songs that only had two or three chords.  It may have been that goofy and effective musical training I've received at college, but I lost focus and interest around the time we were repeating the chorus for the...seventh time?  But the message brought me back to the service.  The speaker stood up, led us in prayer, and got completely honest with us as the audience.  He told of how his life had become consumed with working for the church, even on his days off and how he really wasn't feeling like he was where he needed to be in life.  The passage we read was of John the Baptist speaking to the crowd before baptizing Jesus.  He really nailed the people, calling them "a brood of vipers", people who turned from and rebelled against those who had taught them what they have learned.  He shook them up so bad that even the non-religious listeners were asking what they needed to do to get right with how they were living. 
The speaker went on to confess that he sometimes built himself up to this awesome person that God must be proud of who he was, enough to give him special duties or circumstance in life.  But here he was, using even his days off to serve those in the church and the surrounding area.  He said it is usually after He humbles us, do we realize that we need to follow Him more closely and listen to what He is telling us to do. 
It was refreshing and humbling to hear a speaker be so open and honest with his audience.  Leaders of faith, and "normal" people too, can put themselves up on such a pedestal that surely God must have a special mission for them.  Me, I have put myself merely in front, in my own spotlight, without much regard or trust for God.  It's a learning experience; I definitely need to work on strengthening my relationship with Him.  I think that's what He's been showing me recently.  Thank you, Lord, for those genuine souls who are willing to risk their dignity to help others realize their own shortcomings so that we can come to You for help. 

Guaranteed Work

Day 37
I'm at home and I've already worked five and a half hours at the family pizza shop.  I've worked there for over seven years and I've seen a lot of changes with personnel, ways of doing things, different methods of cooking the food, and different customers to get acquainted with.  But there are always a few things that never change: familiar faces of the "regular" customers, the busy Friday night pizza rush, the "secret" family recipe for our pizza dough, the signature B&E sub, and the old oven and dough roller which have both seen their share of pizzas. 
I know it's hard to find jobs in this economy but I am thankful that I've retained my position making pizzas.  I used to hate going to work during high school but now I almost look forward to spending a weekend home, racking in some hours and salary.  I still cook by the older methods that were taught to me by former employees long gone and the owners themselves.  The new employees still try to change things up or "improve" on our menu items but I find the old way is still best.  That's why the same customers who have ordered food from us ten years ago still show up in the dining room. 
I'm thankful for the pizza shop and the work that is guaranteed if I ever need some more green in my pocket for college expenses.  I don't think I realize it now, but I might miss that shop once life starts a new chapter next summer.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Day 36
We got to taste the first hints of Spring these past few days and it's been so beautiful outside!  Too bad it's been spent inside a school building with students or in the apartment with homework.  But for the moments that I am out in the sun, I open my sunroof in my car, turn off the heat, turn up the radio, and smile as I cruise down the road in the balmy 60 degree weather.  Of course, it's going to be chilly this weekend but I will gladly take the few days of sunshine that we've been able to experience. 
It seems as if as soon as the cold, bland weather starts to get really old, God reminds us that Spring is just around the corner.  Puts a smile on my face.  Soon enough, we will be able to wear sun dresses, flipflops, and enjoy evening walks with those we love.  I'm really looking forward to those continuous sunny days.  It also means that the wedding is getting closer and closer, which is equally exciting.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Day 35
No, not the lighting fixture, but the "Aha" moment, the instant where something just clicks.  I was blessed with the opportunity to teach three classes consecutively, two first grades and a second grade.  I had forgotten to print off my lesson plans but I had taught the same lessons yesterday so I had a good handle of what I wanted to do.  What worried me was my weak classroom management.  So I did what my gut and last semester's lessons told me to do.  I engaged with each class as soon as they entered the music classroom; I led them to their seats, telling them where to sit, instead of letting them run into the classroom and choosing their own seats.  I think that threw them off because they were unusually quiet for the role call that came next.  I kept a smile on my face, reminded them of the music rules, asked for their respect because I told them I was giving respect to them, and remembered to have fun along with them.  The pace was steady and smooth between transitions and songs and each class remained focused for the most part. (There's no escaping the occasional talker).  They enjoyed the activities and musical games and were disappointed when we had to end class.  I'll take that as a good day any day.
It just clicked for me today.  Yesterday was a little rough but something made sense today in how I needed to do things in order to keep their attention and let them know I can mean business while still having fun with them.  I love teaching and I'm so thankful  for those "lightbulb" moments that God grants me with every now and then. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Living Words

Day 34
I've told people who are going through rough or stressful times that everything will work out in the end. I've told that to my fiance many times.  And, by the grace of God, everything has worked out.  Tonight, I ate my own words.  Instead of reassuring someone else everything was going to be OK, I needed the consolation myself.   Talking about finances automatically stresses me out, as I'm sure it does for a lot of people.  So when I got into a conversation regarding wedding plans and figuring out all that still needs to be paid for and ordered, I got a headache and I instantly wanted to hang up and go do something productive, aside from money. 
So, I am struggling to remind myself that God will continue to be in control even though it's really stressful right now.  I am thankful for His promise to always be there and to be the ultimate Provider.  I'm pretty sure I would be helpless without Him.

Four-Day Week

Day 33
It's nice to know that this week is only a four-day teaching week.  One less day of stress, late nights and early mornings, and the anticipation of going home for the weekend a day earlier.  I love teaching, don't get me wrong, but I also enjoy some extra free time whenever I get the chance.  I have a lot to catch up on and a lot of work hours that need booked.  I think that knowledge is one of the only things keeping me going this week.  And,...maybe I will get a chance to make one of these (peanut butter pie) over the weekend.  Lord, thank you for four day weeks and the anticipation of an extended weekend.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Day 32
Yes, tomorrow marks the actual Valentine's Day but my fiance and I celebrated it today.  Today also marks our 90th day on our wedding countdown, which is extremely exciting.  We don't get to spend much time together since I'm at college and he works second shift so days like these are greatly anticipated.  There's nothing like spending a day with your best friend.  He makes me laugh, feel carefree, beautiful and loved.  God definitely knew what He was doing when He introduced us to each other. 
This is our last Valentine's Day as unmarried people.  I like thinking about the fact that we will be married next 90 days, in fact.  I'm not worried about getting married.  Maybe the reality just hasn't hit me full force in the face quite yet.  That's fine with me; I enjoy the exciting anticipation of the whole thing, as long as these last 90 days fly by....


Day 31
My grandparents, Mom, and brother got to come down for a visit and to see the musical production at our university.  It's always so good to get a taste of home and what's been going on there when they come to visit.  A breath of familiar fresh air.  My grandparents are some of the most loving people I know and they definitely know how to have a good time with good conversation.  My grandmother was on the subject of balding men, don't ask me why, when she exclaimed, "bald men are sexier".  We all busted out laughing.  And of course, they all turned to me because I'm getting married soon.  I blushed...
Spending time with my mom and brother is always good, too.  My mom keeps tabs on everything going on at home and on the people we know so we don't miss out on much when we are at school.  My brother is similar to me so we get along fine and swap jokes and stories most of the visit. 
Reality hit me today that visits are going to be more and more familiar to me especially once I'm married.  I will no longer live at home with my mom, brother, and sister.  I will be living my own life with my husband.  Time spent with my family will be in the form of visits.  It's kind of bittersweet to think about so I'm working on not taking visits for granted now. 

A Rough Day

Day 30
It's hard to be thankful for a rough day but I'm slowly finding it to be the foundation of learning opportunities.  Today, every class came in running to their seats, talking out of turn, not listening to anything I was saying, questioning my authority, and wasting precious class time with their antics.  After the day was done, my cooperating teacher said today was probably one of the worst days she's ever had in her teaching career, and she's been teaching for over 25 years.  It was rough.
It didn't get much better as I forgot to bring a certain change of clothes for a jazz band concert later, plus I had to finish an important paper for an education class before leaving for the concert.  By the end of the day, I was ready to plop down in my bed and crash for a few 12 hours or so. 
But God is good.  The rough days only make the good days look even better.  I'm looking forward to a somewhat relaxing weekend spent with my family and a dinner out with my fiance.  I'm thankful that the day is over, but I'm also thankful for the learning experiences I had while the school day continued going downhill with student misbehavior.  It's motivation to do better next week. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Day 29
We take history for granted, don't we?  I know I do.  I'm helping to present a lesson on "Follow the Drinking Gourd" for Black History Month at the school where I student teach.  I really had to refresh my memory on the events leading up to the Civil War.  I get to present the story of the African American slave family and their journey to freedom to several classes of kindergarten kids and first graders.  The song that the story is based off of is unique and sort of eerie when sung just right. 
When the sun comes back
And the first quail call,
Follow the drinking gourd.
For the old man is a-waiting for to carry you to freedom.
Follow the drinking gourd.

Whenever we get to the song in the story, the kids get really quiet as they listen to the teacher sing it in a soft, meaningful tone.  That's usually the point when I forget I'm student teaching and I get carried away in the story just like the students.  History is the foundation for the present, and it can be a strong foundation if we learn from it.  It's history that reminds us of what makes up our heritage and our country. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Gym

Day 28
I haven't been to the gym since last semester's weight training class until tonight.  My sister and I decided to do fifteen minutes on the bike machines then fifteen minutes on the elliptical.  Wow, we weren't prepared for the physical demand of each exercise.  I ended up covering the monitor on the machines so I wasn't watching the time count down during the entire workout.  We both cranked up our hard rock and metal music and went to work.  When all was said and done, our lungs were burning, our legs were jello, and our faces were red.  But it felt really good to have accomplished something physical like that.  I hear that working out releases endorphins that cause positive attitudes and feelings.  I definitely want to hit the gym again this week. 
It's a nice escape from the busy day and it allowed us to kill some steam and wind down.  Not that we are going to turn into gym junkies, but it is nice to feel accomplished and wound down for a bit.  I'm really going to miss having this free access to the university's gym after I graduate.  I guess I will have to get my will-be husband and myself on some kind of exercise routine.  Yeah, I'm pretty thankful for the gym.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Catching Up

Day 27
A few other girls and I share a common bond that we've had since our freshman year of college.  We were in the same Bible study and we formed a pretty close friendship since then.  We got together for supper for the first time this semester to catch up on each other's lives.  It's neat to see where God has taken us these past three and a half years.  We have one friend who moved back to her home country, one ministering in Africa, and our study leader is now married and lives halfway across the country. The ones still on campus have grown spiritually and emotionally and are actively pursuing what God wants for them in life. I love catching up with the girls and having some time to ourselves to swap stories, brag on each other, and lift each other up in smiles and prayers.
Then there's the harsh reality that most of us are graduating this year.  Then we will go our separate ways, back to our home states and beginning another chapter in each of our lives.  It's sad to think about, but also kind of exciting to know that we will probably stay in contact and keep each other updated on our group.  God is so good, and He has definitely blessed us with a great circle of friends.  I love those girls.


Day 26
Work is good because it is a set rhythm to life, a routine to what we do.  I went home to work this weekend and I loved the way everything had its place.  I knew the routine of how to make the food, put it in the oven, and time it just right with everything else going on that the food item would be pulled out of the oven just in time to serve nice and hot to the customers.  Even the customers are part of the routine.  We always have our "regulars" who come in at almost a daily basis and get "the usual".  I love that, too.  It's expected, anticipated, and leaves less room for error if they don't order something obscure off of the menu other than "the usual".  Being home in general gives a sense of familiarity, of routine.  I know what needs to be done, when to do it, and what I can do when I don't have anything to do.  Plus, I have my own space at home that I can organize and clean to my liking.  I like to organize.  It could turn into a hobby if I let it.
On the flip-side, a break in the routine is always welcome, too, if it's a positive break.  After work, before I headed back to school, I stopped by my fiance's apartment and had dinner while watching the Super Bowl game for a few hours.  I hadn't planned on visiting until today so it was a nice, last minute idea.  Being at school means less time to visit with him so I do enjoy getting as much time as I can with him while I'm home; random visits are usually in the mix. 
Thanks, God, for giving me a routine that I can anticipate and follow.  And thank you for the breaks in that routine that allow for time to breathe, spend time with someone special, and get myself ready for the week to come. 

Fish Fry

Day 25
Fish isn't my most favorite food of choice so I kind of surprised myself when I agreed to go to a local fish fry with my fiance and some of his family.  The local conservation club put on a festive meal complete with tartar sauce to liven up the tender Pollock.  It was breaded, which helped my fishy distaste, but it was very good! 
The atmosphere reminded me of the older, family-friendly shows that pictured the whole town getting together and sharing a meal; people laughing and making jokes; truckers swapping road stories; children exclaiming how good the "chicken" was for dinner.  It was all light-hearted and enjoyable, a welcome break from the rude and crude of how so many neighborhoods and communities are around the world.  I don't envy those who live in the city because I enjoy the closeness of a small hardworking community that is willing to come together and engage in conversation and a meal with their fellow neighbor. 
Ah, the good ol' days.  I'm thankful to have these as long as I can before the realities of life come knocking at my door.  I'm pretty thankful for small things like the fish fry to remind me of the simple joys in life and carefree time with friends and family. 

A Reliable Car

Day 24
I complain a lot about how many cosmetic issues my car has and yet I don't realize often enough that it has never stranded me, conked out on me, or not start.  Granted, it is an older car, but it hasn't failed me yet.  It does have some minor issues like one tire losing air every so often and the very slow oil leak, but it still trucks on down the road wherever I need to go without complaint. 
I have a tendency toward owning older cars...well trucks, a '88 S-10 and a '87 Blazer, so this car is my newest yet ('97 Buick Riviera).  God has blessed me with a nice set of wheels to get me through student teaching.  And what's even better, it's a beautiful shade of green, my favorite color.  I don't think I am going to complain too much anymore about having a reliable method of transportation that I can count on to get me from point A to point B...with style.  This car has definitely spoiled me contrasted to my old trucks and I am thankful that God met my transportation need.  He's good at what He does.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Counting Down

Day 23
Today marks the 100th day until our wedding, signifying the first day of our life together.  Ah! It's so exciting to think about.  Some people are probably sick of hearing me talk about my fiance and our upcoming wedding but it's hard not to talk about the things of which bring joy.  It's not everyday one gets to plan a wedding celebrating a lifetime commitment to one's best friend. 
It has been so much fun to plan a wedding with him.  We each have a pretty equal share in the planning and he's about as excited about it as I am.  And I'm probably more excited about getting married than I am about finally graduating college, but such is life. 
I'm going to bed giddy as a school girl, in love with her best friend, and very much looking forward to spending the rest of my life with such an amazing man after God's own heart. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Day 22
No, not the book of the Bible, but general revelation, an "Aha" moment if you will.  Life likes to throw curve balls, good and bad.  And being in a serious relationship definitely has its share of curve balls.  Being with someone you love for a long time brings about many experiences to learn about each other.  Even in everyday relationships, there's always something yet to learn about people.  It's funny how many of those moments come in times of disagreement.  Think about it.  Unless you are completely selfless, focused totally on everyone else's well-being, you tend to get into disagreements, but you leave that disagreement with another tidbit of knowledge and wisdom pertaining the other person.  Wise people learn from their mistakes and from taking a good lesson away from an uncomfortable confrontation.  Foolish people fall into the same argument over and over again, never willing to learn how to better serve the other.  Kind of sounds like Proverbs, doesn't it?
I do not like confrontations or disagreements whatsoever.  But I've learned to view them as a chance to better know the person with whom I have a conflict.  Only by grace and by having the desire to learn to be more selfless can I take away a valuable lesson.  God, give me the grace and humility to continue to learn about other people so that I can better reflect You in how I improve upon serving them.  Thank You.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Day 21
I haven't made a fort in...forever.  Tonight, my roommates and I built an awesome blanket fort with couches and chairs.  It was decked out.  We had popcorn, grapes, and walnuts while watching Ever After.  It was pretty much amazing.  Yes, we are all seniors in college, but hey, who says you're too old to have fun?
We were sort of celebrating our snow/ice day today and the decision from our university that classes were going to be canceled all day tomorrow.  We were glued to the weather most of the time, watching and waiting to find out when the second half of the blizzard-like storm was going to hit.  We got out our flashlights, charged our cellphones, and did the dishes just in case our power went out.  It was a productive day and it ended with a fun interruption to the daily routine of three college kids.  Memories that will be remembered a while after we graduate.
Tomorrow looks like another promising day of sleeping in a bit, getting homework done, catching up on housework, and watching Hulu TV episodes; all for which I'm thankful, but particularly the fun and carefree, refreshing/relaxing attitude that the fort allowed.  And...if the weather permits, we just might make a snowman.